What is MOOC?
MOOC is a massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs) as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.Canvas Network
Canvas Network is free. Instructure created Canvas Network with the intention of promoting openness, innovation, and experimentation in education and to give back to the academic community.
Canvas Network courses come in a variety of formats and pedagogies. All courses need to include a Help Forum for the instructor to monitor (Canvas Notifications makes this easy). Instructors should feel free to participate in their course as much or as little as they need to as long as they set learner expectations and meet these expectations.
If you want to test a new pedagogy theory or a new course design with real learners, then this is the place for you. Dream it. Build it.
Canvas Network institutional partners are invited to teach up to 15 courses per year. Repeat courses can run up to three times per year.
Learners on Canvas Network are less concerned with grades and more concerned with how they are personally benefiting from the course and if they can earn a badge(s) or a certificate. While Canvas Network does not act as the issuer for badges or certificates, your Instructional Design Consultant will help you select the right tool for your needs.
The number of enrolments vary from course to course significantly. To date the largest Canvas course had 65,000 enrollments. We invite you to beat that number.
Canvas Network courses come in a variety of formats and pedagogies. All courses need to include a Help Forum for the instructor to monitor (Canvas Notifications makes this easy). Instructors should feel free to participate in their course as much or as little as they need to as long as they set learner expectations and meet these expectations.
If you want to test a new pedagogy theory or a new course design with real learners, then this is the place for you. Dream it. Build it.
Canvas Network institutional partners are invited to teach up to 15 courses per year. Repeat courses can run up to three times per year.
Learners on Canvas Network are less concerned with grades and more concerned with how they are personally benefiting from the course and if they can earn a badge(s) or a certificate. While Canvas Network does not act as the issuer for badges or certificates, your Instructional Design Consultant will help you select the right tool for your needs.
The number of enrolments vary from course to course significantly. To date the largest Canvas course had 65,000 enrollments. We invite you to beat that number.
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